Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Online feeds from Broadcastify for Oklahoma #HamRadio #ARRL

Some links to Oklahoma linked systems are on Broadcasify.

Is yours listed?

Hope you enjoy listening to other parts of the State.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

WX5EM on RemoteHams

Thanks to Michael, N5AFR Alex, N0AMT and Dale, N5VX,  WX5EM is on RemoteHams.

The remote will be up and down during the testing season.  Please know that not all hands get Administration (A) or Transmit (X) approvals.  The remote is centered around members of the club, i.e. those who are involved in emergency management or the Military Auxiliary Radio System.

If you wish transmit privileges, EMAIL verification of your involvement with your local emergency management office or Military Auxiliary Radio System.

Known issues:

1. The node quits transmitting at random times.  Keep the mouse over the TX button, just in case.
2.  Low audio.
3.  When using the memory channels, the software does not put the mode into the radio.  For example, ten meter FM memory defaults to 29.6 Upper Sideband.  Please change the mode when changing frequencies.  This is particularly important when operation is on MARS nets.
4.  There is no tuner required.  The broadband doublet allows 160 through six meter operation.

If you cause interference or violate Part 97 regulations, your transmit privileges will be reduced or eliminated.

If you wish to join this effort, reach out on the local radio, email, text, Skype, Twitter, etc.  Our current list of membership ranges from very active to very inactive.

In the mean time, enjoy the fact that WX5EM is on RemoteHams.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Free Email reflector #ARRL #hamradio

Do you support your local emergency management program as staff or volunteer?

Ask your leadership to email WX5EM with your name, email address, and callsign.

You will get a FREE membership in WX5EM and your will be yours.

Only Oklahoma amateur radio operators are eligible for this offer.

This is a small reward for your service to your community.

Thank you.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Social Media and responsive government

In what may be the Government's most agressive attempt to engage the Global Citizen, Social Media for Emergency Management initiative has really taken off.

This effort came into play through the leadership of Jeffrey Phillips @LosRanchosEM and a host of others who have and continue to develop tools of the trade, guidance, and education for the growing number of emergency managers using social media.

Tweeting #NSWW, the group helped with breakout sessions at the National Severe Weather Workshop in Norman.

The group is also presented at the National Emergency Management Association conference.

Weekly online training followed by real time drills and exercises, including the efforts of Oklahoma Ice Map shows the utility of the project.

Follow the group, if you want to learn about Social Media in Emergency Management, want to gain new tools, or want to share how you are engaging your residents.

Are you a part of a Virtual Operations Support Team?